These may look like they are for Jude (which, in a way, they are) but they are mine and I am to the moon thrilled. I can remember pining for Underoos when they came out. I even owned a pair of Captain America Underoos which I paired up with some red and blue striped tube socks to complete the ensemble. That outfit accompanied me on many a superheroic adventure, but how often can a super guy look super fly if he only owns a single pair of super duper underwear? So when we found these beauties at the store a while back I was smitten. So much so that they are now mine as of today. Jude is already kitted out with cool unders and now, finally, I can be super cool at least four days a week (or more if I am dilligent with the laundering or just cool with being unhygienic). Oh, and if you are thinking about trying to grab my waistband for a wedgie maneuver you better think twice; I think I have super powers after the last year I’ve been through… and now I have the super duds to prove it. I may not look any different but starting tomorrow I am gonna feel super on the inside.
Oh yeah, the point was also made that it will help with the potty training if Jude and daddy are both transitioning into cool super underpants, but whatever… I am just agreeing for the sake of my wardrobe.
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- BROWSE / IN Bradley
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- » Batman & Robin