- Jude is in Need-a-saurus mode. & what is it about geo-engineers & telephones? You call 6 and only one calls back? Business must be good. #
- @Jumex Convinced it was you when you said honeycomb hideout. After the bengibbardfan thing you never know. Been a long time – Bradley L in reply to Jumex #
- Jude just woke up. He is always smiling. He just giggled at me & I saw how much fun he is going to be at Disneyland when next we fly away. #
- Rode for 30 mins and felt alright. Not much to say. Stationary bike. Slow and steady eats up the apple. #
- Tonight the vegetarians could not find a bite & wound up in Central Market ambling like zombies. “moan” says Jude “uhnn” says Gigi. #
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