
Gigi & I made a list of our tasks for the day.

Her list mania began when we were looking online for clues while playing the Paper Mario video game for the Wii. I would write down a set of codes or clues and dash back to the Wii again to play. Gigi wanted to start writing the clues down for me and so she did.

Now everything is a list. I like it as it gives her lots of authentic practice with writing.
Just to clarify, her list reads:

  • Paper mario
    Clean (house)
    Children’s Museum (This one is great because she was able to grab the H even though she placed it first in the word!)
    Grandma Kobs (All of you Kobs family members will immediately take note that a five year old can correctly hear and spell K-O-B-S!
  • Just an aside: the brown UFOs are dirty dishes, while the blue ones have been cleaned.


    I drew a picture of clean and dirty dishes. I made it today. I wrote some of the words right. I like to make lists because they are cool to make because you get to write. Lists help you to remember stuff. Thanks for reading my list article. You can put a comment here too if you want. Love you, Gigi

    Guinevere added these pithy words on Apr 16 09 at 9:07 am

    I love your list, Gigi! It was a sun-shiney spot in my day! I love you little girl!

    Tamara added these pithy words on Apr 16 09 at 11:49 am

    Oh my gosh Gigi, you are so bright and artistic! Thanks for making me smile! =)

    Sara added these pithy words on Jun 20 09 at 9:11 pm