To celebrate the big decade switch-a-roo and my mom’s impending birthday, my mom sprung for a spa package at the Tulalip Resort Hotel. It was pretty awesome. I have been to a Korean spa before, but this was different. This was the kind of place where you’re not even expected to undress alone much less run your own bath or walk to the sauna independently. There was seriously someone in the locker room to watch you and hand your robe or anything else you might need to you. Weird, but nice. Also, tea was everywhere and I fell in love with one variety… I also had my first ever non-boyfriend/husband/friend massage. You know, the kind that you know never has to be reciprocal… The kind where you just lay there all sleepy and drunk on loose muscles and hot rocks on your back… It was good.
And of course I’m the total dork who snuck her phone in to take pictures of the whole thing. They all turned out terrible and I never took a picture when anyone else was around but it was still fun to be all subversive. 🙂
Cheers for birthdays and moms who share massage packages with their daughters!