Lately I look at our website despondently and bemoan it’s lack of new content. I simultaneously say to myself that we are so busy that I don’t have time to write on the website and that we haven’t been doing anything so there’s nothing to report. Both are true.

Our January and February have been busy- full of the day to day, in and outs of everything. I went through the texts that Bradley and I have shared over the past few weeks and mined out a beautiful life- the one I always wanted. The pictures and stories we share back and forth so prove that we’ve been busy and that our tapestry has been woven from the mediocrity of the day to day. The irony is that I love it.

Throughout the day, I’m messaged with the this and that’s- my daily hug picture as Gigi peels away from the fold to step into her classroom. I see the antics of my boys when I check in at lunch- I see their daily walk, their meal together and sometimes some of the things they get up to. I feel connected to them until we can rejoin ranks and be present in one another’s life again.

Our nights are simple but full. We are committed to our collective health, so we often work out and get some cardio activity as a family, then, while the kids do homework, play games or watch something, Bradley and I finish up with an extended weights workout where we process our day, chatter and act like parents and grown ups together. Add making dinner, clean-up, bedtime stories, tooth brushing, nose rubs, tickles, jokes and wrestling matches, our days are full of simple pleasures.

I call these our salad days- where everything is at it’s best. These mundane, ordinary busy days are the ones we will look at with tenderness and warmth as we age. These days are golden and bright in their normalcy. I feel lucky that this is my normal, boring life. These are the days. The ones that are exhausting and end with our Lj version of Baby Beluga sung to a sleepy five year old and reminders to the ten year old to wash her face and tuck in by nine- these are the days will be missed more than any others. The salad days.

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