
When Mimi comes around she always leaves a little something extra. Lately she has been taking care of our kids a few days a week while I work and Bradley is building the house.   My mom’s love is not only evident in her treatment of our children and willingness to spend her days here, but also in the gifts that she leaves behind.


The other day I walked in the door only to find another piece of her heart: one of her prize Cinderella Pumpkins that she tended in her garden all summer long.


If you know my mom then you know that her garden is important to her.  ALl summer long she waters and fertalizes the plants.  She picks blossoms off the vines and pollinates those that need it.  She practices companion planting, putting two different plants together that create a symbiotic relationship.  Knowing full well how many pumpkins she produced (not too many this year) made this pumpkin that much more valuable.


When my mom leaves a pumpkin or gourd, carrot, cucumber, tomato or sunflower in my house, she is not leaving just the gift from her garden, as much as it is a cliche, she is leaving a part of her heart and a bit of her love with you.


As I look at my pumpkin (and our happy little pumpkins around it) I feel that squeeze of love and kindness from my own mom.  It all comes through.


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