Jude discovered “ot-pops” this summer. Ot-pops are anything on a stick that is a dessert – actual Otter Pops, popsicles, push-ups, and lollipops all fall under this heading. While we were building the house and the kids HAD to spend their days here, I tried to make it a little more tolerable by allowing them one popsicle per day, and I stocked the freezer with a wide variety of fancy popsicle and frozen ice cream treats that we usually don’t EVER buy. We are more of the make it yourself types, or just have the little Otter Pops around.

Jude embraced the popsicle trend whole heartedly! He would remember, upon arriving at the house, that there was a wide variety of ot-pops in the freezer and as soon as he would get through the door, he would open the freezer and begin rifling through it to find the ot-pop of his choice.

Next he would run out to the porch where he would sit still for a matter of minutes, enjoying his ot-pop. The ice cream would drip down his chin , onto his shirt, and coat his little fingers. But he, he enjoyed every drip, drizzle and taste of each and every ot-pop he sampled this summer!

Then, as soon as he had flung aside the stick or wrapper, he would head back to the freezer for round two, when Mommy would have to intervene to remind him that he had his one, but who understands that concept when they’re two and a half? Our freezer still has the footprints from his little gritty feet from where he stood trying to find his ot-pop for the day, and I’m not sure we will ever be able to scrub them out. Perhaps they will be one of those things in the future that reminds me of how little and cute he was as he tried to find his ot-pop during the summer of 2010…

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