Love reveals itself in the most mundane ways.
Like when you open your lunch to discover that your husband packed the piece of pizza that you didn’t pick all of the pineapple, olives and (veggie) ham off of last night, leaving him with a naked, used pizza slice.
Or when you’ve spent the last two hours listening to most of the New Kids on the Block oeuvre and you mention that of all the albums, THIS one is your favorite and he agrees that it is his favorite too.
Or, better yet, when he picks the NKOTB album up from the library, he previews it and chooses a few songs to point out to you, even though he is not and never has been a fan of these people.
Or that moment when you notice your favorite, coziest pajamas all laid out on the bed for you when you get home from work.
Or realizing that, despite the fact that you drive your gas-filled, immaculate car to work almost every day, you haven’t filled the gas tank or washed the car in over two months.
Or finding notes in your lunch every day that recall favorite moments or share sweet nothings in otherwise separate moments of the day.
Or figuring out that despite having walked the dog, the boy, worked out on the elliptical, lifted weights and walked the kids back and forth to school several times, he still runs a few miles with you too.
Or, better yet, he says he prefers to run with you because you go slower and he gets a better fat burn.
Or when he says you never snore or pass gas in your sleep. And when you do, it’s just a sweet little baby snore or toot, even though the kids rabidly dispute this.
Or enjoying the picture of the babies that true love created every single day as they hug one another goodbye for the day. That he understands how important it is to be included in this small daily moment is tremendous.
Or when he lets you watch the entire series of Friends over and over on a loop because it calms you down when you get overly anxious.
Or how he lets you wake him up in the middle of the night for anything anytime and he never gets mad at you, even when his own insomnia kept him up until just minutes before you woke him.
Or how he changes his clothes when his outfit clashes with yours.
Or like when you’re staring at the kids all teary and he comes up and stares at them with you, and together you marvel at these two little people who exist only because you loved one another.
Or how you never doubt for a moment that he loves you with his entirety every moment of every day because he lives with such resolve in his love for you that you can finally be free and vulnerable and safe with him, the only person, ever.
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