There’s been nary a post on the progress of the house for a while, and I thought it was time to update the folks who are interested with a picture post, so I grabbed the handy dandy camera and took some shots of Bradley’s siding progress today.
This is the front of the house. Bradley has finished framing the windows but we were waiting a while for the front door to come in before he started framing.
The front doors arrived and were installed on Thursday. They are completely untreated, thus coated in plastic for now to protect them from getting dirt and smudges all over them.
Here is the southwest side of the house. It is completely lap sided and just needs the shingle siding above the belly band.
And here is the northeast side. You can see at the top a bit of the shingle siding.
The smaller photo shows this better. This is the side that we consider to be the renter’s side, as the second floor is the apartment that takes up half of the second story.
Here is the inside of the first story of the house, looking from the rumpus room into the kitchen/living/dining room.
As you can see, we are still at studs and posts for the inside of the house.  This is the second floor of the house, looking from the hallway, through our closet, master bathroom, master bedroom and into the apartment.
This is the skeletal apartment, looking from our bedroom. The wall there will be the kitchen and the stairs lead down to the renter’s garage and entry door.
Bradley’s Uncle Don has been an angel during the siding process. Without fail or complaint he has been up at the property every weekend as Bradley’s siding companion. We are ever so grateful for his freezing fingers and sunny disposition!
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VERY exciting to see this update. WOW! Can’t wait to see it!