
Every year a few days before Christmas we make a pilgrimage out to my parent’s house to make Santa’s cookies, the cookies we leave out for Santa as he makes his way around the globe.  It has been interesting as the tradition has grown from one tiny little niece who decorated cookies all by herself as we watched to a ten year old, seven year old, six year old and almost one year old who make the event feel more like a three ring circus than it used to.  Always fun, always exciting, here is cookie decorating 2009!


Gigi and Jude used brother and sister teamwork to roll out the cookie dough.


Gigi gets some help from Mimi.


Decorating Fun!  You have no idea what a hurricane Jude created during this!  He would aggressively grab a cookie then a baggie of frosting.  Then he would squeeze the baggie as hard as possible, totally disregarding where the frosting was pointed.  He had frosting shooting everywhere!  Then, before we had a chance to catch up, he would grab the sprinkles and dump as many as possible onto the cookie, and what didn’t make the cookie got snatched off the table and thrown by the handful into his mouth.  Fun for Boy, exhausting for Mama!!!


One of Jude’s masterpieces.  You can see the massive amount of random frosting and piles of sprinkles!  Santa will love it!


Luke, focused on the task at hand.  Decorating cookies is serious business!


Gigi’s favorite, an angel.  We have a huge pile of cookies now as we couldn’t leave any that Gigi decorated behind.  They are all so special!  Sure hope Santa’s hungry when he gets here!

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