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  • Cross Country

    Guinevere came in third place today at the season opener of cross country! It was so exciting to watch her take off. She was in the middle of the pack as she headed out of sight. When she rounded the bend and made her way to the home run, she was in third place. We […]

  • Week One

    Week one went without a hitch. Like, seriously- NO drama at all. It’s rather wonderful! Jude finally has a place where he is just Jude- not a brother or son, no name to live up to, he is his own and he is loving his new identity as a student! Guinevere seems to have settled […]

  • First Day of School

    We now live with a fourth grader and a kindergartener. Jude’s description of his first day at school: “First we readed some books then we standed in line. Then we marchded and they showed us the red cones. You can’t go past the red cones. If you do then they will blow the whistle. Then […]

  • Hangin’ Tough

    Many many moons ago, when I was a young teenager, I was bitten by the boy band bug. It started innocently enough… My friend liked this band called New Kids, but I knew they weren’t for me. I was the kind of girl who ironically listened to Alabama, Neil Diamond, Elvis and Kenny Rogers alongside […]

  • Guinevere’s Marathon

    Guinevere finished her time with track and field for this year. The kids celebrated with popcicles today and a victory lap at school. This was a wonderful experience for Guinevere. She was one of the kids who also clocked their running mileage and completed the Marathon Challenge. She exceeded 26.2 miles. All in all Guinevere […]


This is the archive for Guinevere.

Posts written by Guinevere


A long time ago…