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  • Jack In The Box

    Gigi: Mmm!  This food is so good!  We should eat breakfast here all of the time! Me: Well, it really isn’t the healthiest of choices, that’s why we’ve never been here before. Gigi: Why isn’t it healthy? Me: There’s A LOT of fat and salt in this food.  Too much fat and salt makes for […]

  • Barbie

    Gigi: Wow, those things are huge and she’s only a teenager! Me: What are huge? Gigi: These (pointing at Barbie’s chest).  They’re bigger than any of my other Barbies boobies.

  • Vanastics

    Her:   Hey, remember when I used to say ‘gymnastics’?  When I was little? Us: What do you say now, instead? Her: Vanastics.  Isn’t that funny how I used to talk? Us: Yeah, gymnastics sounds pretty funny!  How do you say it right again? Her: Vanastics.  Va-Nas-Tics.  Vanastics. Us: Va-Nas-Tics.  Right.  Thanks, little girl.  Love you. […]

  • Tooth on the Loose

    Gigi’s tooth came out yesterday under the hand of her brave mommy. Three tugs from Tami was all it took to uproot that little chicklet and herald a whole new age in for the Littlejohnesque narrative. Gigi slept with her tooth under the pillow and a note for the fairy NOT to take her tooth […]

  • Tooth Fairies

    Gigi came and told us that she had scratched her tooth and now something was wrong with it. Upon inspection Tamara declared the tooth loose and heralded the arrival of the tooth fairy anytime now. Cue the tears and fuss as Tamara ironed out the worries over Tooth do-s and don’ts.

Gigi Said

This is the archive for Gigi Said.

Collection of gigi-isms


A long time ago…