Dive into the archives.
- Pom Pom Hats
Got new hats for the snow bunnies.
- Snow Boy
Snow on the hill even though the world at large is largely bereft of it.
- Pop!
I guess I just stopped writing for an audience. I don’t post here. I don’t post to Facebook. Maybe because we are more isolated, generally the happiest we’ve ever -EVER- been, and self-contained now more than ever before. My compulsion to share with the world seems greatly diminished. But Tamara has written lots of loving […]
- Thankful for Readers
The kids spent their allowance on new beanbags today and the results were a read-in.
- Life
Star Wars Bath Time Lake Washington via St. Edward’s Park (the picture is weird a bit because the app knits together a series and stretches things where need be – hence a behind that is sticking out about a foot behind my leg.) Silly Boyo Sleepy Jengo Scooby Doo Monster from the Sea! My Man! […]