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- It’s quiet
You’re right. Littlejohnesque has gotten pretty quiet. It has everything to do with me – I’m losing weight and being all self centered about it. So self centered, in fact that I have an entire new blog based on my weightloss: http://www.littlejohnesque.com/shazam/
- Exercise 2.0
The training wheels are off! Guinevere pretty much learned to ride without ever using training wheels. So proud. And Jude had his first ride on the tagalong behind me. He beamed with pride at being able to push pedals with daddy. I think we figured out what exercise 2.0 looks like for the Littlejohns!
- Handerpants
For those nevernudes out there. I was just looking for fingerless gloves for drawing on a capicitative screen and found more than I bargained for. It is sort of a Marky Mark/Like A Virgin era Madonna/ Homer Simpson sort of look for your hands. Unsure as to whether I am cool enough to pull these […]
- Fixit
Not to brag, but I am pretty proud that I was able to lay hundreds of feet of flooring this weekend, come home Sunday night to problem-solve and fix the water pump on the dishwasher (cheap piece of junk), then get up and take apart my netbook and fix the keyboard pincard connetor. I am […]
- ToDo: Get Bamboo Flooring. Check!
It was such a big job trucking in the bamboo flooring by pick-up so I would have it for a marathon session of installation this Memorial Day weekend that when I went to check it off my todo list and found it wasn’t even on the list, I had to add it on just so […]