
Pipi, Bradley’s dad, (pronounced pie-pie) invited the kids out to the golf course for a cruise in the golf cart recently.  We watched as they drove away, all huddled in the small cab of the cart.


It was a beautiful day for a drive.  They circled through the apple orchard, and we left to run some errands, leaving the kids in the capable hands of their Pipi.


Later that evening, when we went to pick the kids up, we heard another funny Jude story.  Apparently, Jude was so enamored of the golf cart that he decided to make a run for it.  Assuming that Jude would not be able to turn the key, pull the lever AND slip the cart into gear, Pipi watched from a distance with Gigi while Jude climbed in, turned the key, pulled the lever, slipped the cart into gear and took off down the fairway!  Gigi and Pipi chased Jude as he gleefully drove the cart on a 200 yard joyride, before Pipi’s long legs brought him to the cart where he hopped in, took over, and turned around to collect his granddaughter.  Another grand adventure!


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