Today I was shopping online and Jude was keeping to himself quite nicely. He was laying on the floor, swathed in his blanket, busily doing… something. Eventually he engaged me, asked me to take off my shoes and wanted up on my lap. I took off the shoes while noticing Jude had a rather greasy appearance, which was surprising as he just had a bath last night AND the last time I had looked at him closely he still appeared rather fresh and sweet smelling. I lifted him up along with his Nigh-nigh (blankie) and found his blanket to be moist and cold feeling, yet not wet. Upon closer inspection, I noticed that the blanket was covered in butter. And so was the floor that he had been laying on. So was his shirt, a nearby sock, his hands, face and hair. I followed a trail of greasy footprints to the kitchen where I found the motherload, the scene of the crime, the original butter entanglement. It seems that our fair Jude decided a snack was in order and found the butter on the counter, grabbed it and started eating. Yep, plain old butter. That explains the quietness and canoodling on the floor with Nigh-nigh for that extended amount of my shopping time. He wasn’t playing quietly, he was eating butter off the floor and licking it off his blanket!
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