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- Jack-O-Lanterns
Pumpkin carving is big here. BIG. Our kids can’t wait until the end of October arrives and they get to carve. I think it has a lot to do with them being allowed to use a KNIFE to cut out THEIR own designs. This year they each got to carve two. Yeah, we are living […]
- Pumpkins
What would October be… …without a trip to the pumpkin patch?! Happy carving, everyone!
- Mama Played Bass, Daddy Sang Tenor
For about a year now I have been taking guitar lessons. With that in mind, for about a year now we’ve also been talking about buying a guitar for me, not one that I’d have to borrow from Bradley. We made our way to a guitar shop several weeks ago where we set about looking […]
- Just a Little Green
I recently spent an afternoon clearing the garden of the delicious and lush greenery we had managed to grow this summer. I was amazed at how many plants we put in, how dense our garden was, what a turn-out of color and vibrancy we saw in our virgin garden beds. Glads were everywhere, and our […]
- Something Sticky…
Another October creepy tale to share… Enjoy! By the time I was about 15 or 16 years old, my parents would leave me home alone for a long weekend from time to time. Â I was not the kind of kid who did any bad stuff – I was sober until I was 21 and any […]