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- Memorial Weekend Hootenannny
Last night we came home and lazed about playing board games and eating pizza as we discussed our plans for this Memorial Day Weekend.. Â As the discussion continued over a game of Don’t Break the Ice, or rather mommy puts the pieces back into the holder so Jude can hammer them out, music was […]
- The Jolly Holiday
We were lucky enough to get to go see the Broadway production of Mary Poppins on Friday. We headed downtown to The Paramount to catch the bedazzling presentation with my parents, niece, nephew and, of course, the whole LJ crew. They included a lot of the music from the movie, but it was very different […]
- Boy
Have I told you that my son is a goofball? That he will do anything for a laugh? Even if he is the only one laughing?  True story. He wants to make you laugh! Lately, tooting noises? Hilarious! Burps? Nothing could be funnier! Words like pee pee and poo poo? Possibly the funniest concepts and […]
- The Best of Friends
First there was Calydalyrymple, AKA Calvin, our great hunter of rodents and crane flies at the Bellingham house. He charmed us as we were on our way through Petsmart intent on restocking our goldfish pond. He reached his little white paw out of the kennel and sleepily batted our hands. We were in need of […]
- It was Mother’s Day
And it was the very best Mother’s Day I’ve ever had. Why? I got to stay home. I got to sleep in past 6:30 then awoke to lovely handmade 1st grader gifts and thoughtful Daddy gifts (a spoon holder/picture magnet and outdoor speakers respectively). Breakfast was simple, but together, then gardening for me. A few […]