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  • Handerpants

    For those nevernudes out there. I was just looking for fingerless gloves for drawing on a capicitative screen and found more than I bargained for. It is sort of a Marky Mark/Like A Virgin era Madonna/ Homer Simpson sort of look for your hands. Unsure as to whether I am cool enough to pull these […]

  • Stars wars costumes…with Lycra!

    A light bulb went on over Gigi’s head and she said “Jude, we are brother and sister, we should be Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia for next Halloween!”. Now if I can coax Tami into that lycra spacesuit Padme wears then I can be Darth Vader.

  • Riddle me this!

    Jude and I are playing Batman & Robin and hunting down some bad robots as well as the Penguin (how does he know about the Penguin?). For a while I thought I was Batman until Jude cleared things up: “No Dadda, YOU Robin, I am Batman!”. I wonder if they make Boy Wonder costumes in […]

  • My Dearest One-Legged Batman Doll, How I Miss You

    The other day I found scans of a Seventies toy catalog and in it were all the Mego brand super hero dolls. To my mind these ones were not “action figures”, they were dolls. They had real clothing and the way they were built led me to believe that someone at Mego crawled in through […]

  • Batman & Robin

    Jude & I went to Ikea today to get some pieces for the entertainment center we are putting together. We had a nice little lunch there. I finally figured out how to eat at Ikea without feeling cheap and used afterward. I get the veggie sandwich and foreswear eating anything they might have steamed or […]


This is the archive for February, 2011.


A long time ago…