Dive into the archives.

  • The Last 2010 Thanksgiving Post!

    The Grown-up Table The Kid’s Table The Turkey that wouldn’t finish cooking! It took two additional hours and caused just a bit of stress for my dad, the turkey roasting chef! Gingerbread House building and decorating for the kids. Jude REALLY enjoyed the gingerbread houses – enough that he wouldn’t stop when it was time […]

  • Thanksgiving Wishes

    This is my dad. My dad is a man of few words and he is certainly not a writer, so imagine my surprise a few days before Thanksgiving when this arrived in my inbox: _________________________________________________________________________ My dear little Gore and family It is really a real moment to understand the gravity of your first Thanksgiving […]

  • Thanksgiving

    Last year, as we were in the middle of building this house, I volunteered to host Thanksgiving for my family. As the day got closer and closer, we were seeking the just right table, chairs and place settings. We looked for ages, and finally, the night before Thanksgiving, we returned to Cost Plus to get […]

  • SNOW!

    Just a few snapshots of the Littlejohns in the snow. What fun! (Too bad Daddy is sick…) Jude in Snow After watching A Charlie Brown Christmas, every time Jude tastes snow he says, “Needs sugar,” just like Lucy says! Gigi and Sophie in a SNOW FIGHT! House: Now with snow! Our snow angel We are […]

  • My Brother Eats Bugs

    A few mornings ago I was in that dozy tired place that a parent is in when they are tired, yet their two year old son insists on being awake at 5:30 and turns all the lights on in your bedroom. I was lying in bed, head on pillow with Jude lying next to me […]


This is the archive for November, 2010.


A long time ago…