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  • Popsicle

    Jude discovered “ot-pops” this summer. Ot-pops are anything on a stick that is a dessert – actual Otter Pops, popsicles, push-ups, and lollipops all fall under this heading. While we were building the house and the kids HAD to spend their days here, I tried to make it a little more tolerable by allowing them […]

  • Underoo Envy

    These may look like they are for Jude (which, in a way, they are)  but they are mine and I am to the moon thrilled.  I can remember pining for Underoos when they came out.  I even owned a pair of Captain America Underoos which I paired up with some red and blue striped tube […]


This is the archive for August, 2010.


A long time ago…