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- Zombie’s to Market
Last night was interesting; We have been trying to get the kids to bed by 7:30 and it can be really hard. Come seven o’clock we were still out and about and Jude was melting down without anything in his tummy. We ambled into Central Market to try and find something in the posher than […]
- Super Speller
Gigi & I made a list of our tasks for the day. Her list mania began when we were looking online for clues while playing the Paper Mario video game for the Wii. I would write down a set of codes or clues and dash back to the Wii again to play. Gigi wanted to […]
- Today’s Tweets
Jude is in Need-a-saurus mode. & what is it about geo-engineers & telephones? You call 6 and only one calls back? Business must be good. # @Jumex Convinced it was you when you said honeycomb hideout. After the bengibbardfan thing you never know. Been a long time – Bradley L in reply to Jumex # […]
- Today’s Tweets
Ran 3.16 miles in 24 mins and felt great. It is my short run, but I was able to sprint the last half mile home much to Martha’s chagrin. #
- Today’s Tweets
Did a core fitness workout for 35 mins and felt good. It must be a good workout; I am fatigued and vaguely fearful by the end of my reps. # Rode for 42 mins and felt good. Stationary bike. Jude wanted to be held on the bars. Watched Ghostbusters while working out. Surreal. … #