Dive into the archives.

  • Reflectosushigrandmacouch

    Bradley’s best was going out to Blue-C Sushi for the first time:  conveyors are cool!  Tamara’s best was reflectingon the last year with Jude while going over her blog to update the website.  Gigi’s best was playing with Grandma Sheri, and I am certain that Jude’s best was learning to climb up onto the couch […]

  • Rubber

    “My Belly button feels like rubber!”

  • Jude says

    Up, Dip (then dips his WHOLE hand into said dip), Hi (mostly in the middle of the night), Dada, Mama

  • Bed Bugs

    making the bed. [quicktime] http://www.littlejohnesque.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/video_111308_002.3g2 [/quicktime]

  • Swingsettin’

    Tamara has been busy with the National Boards and so I have been flying solo daddy bird style with the kids even on the weekends sometimes.  This swingset moment is brought to you at the lovely Mill Creek Boardwalk Park. [quicktime]http://www.littlejohnesque.com/media/swingset.mov [/quicktime]


This is the archive for March, 2009.


A long time ago…