For about a year now I have been taking guitar lessons.  With that in mind, for about a year now we’ve also been talking about buying a guitar for me, not one that I’d have to borrow from Bradley.  We made our way to a guitar shop several weeks ago where we set about looking for the just right guitar for Gigi and for me.  Finding the guitar for Gigi was easy, and we found one for me as well…  But an hour into our guitar shopping adventure Bradley walked over with an acoustic bass, he put it in my hands, picked up a guitar himself and started to play.  While he played he instructed me on the chords to play and the strumming style that should go along with it.  In moments we were ‘jamming’ together – my first time really playing just for fun, not just for practice, with my husband!  I felt like I was a part of something cool!  It was so much fun that I decided that I would be the chick who plays the bass in the band.  We walked out that day with a few guitars… (Christmas is coming, people, and I still need a guitar, and Bradley’s guitar that he’s had from the time he was 16 has seen better days, nuff said).  So last night, I got my bass, and this morning I got to play it for real.  I’ll admit that both Bradley and I have been spending time late at night sneaking our new toys, so when I opened it I was already playing U2, Christina Perry and Woodie Guthrie!  Ha!

In addition to my new toy, I also have some kid styled necklaces to sport on those days when I need some color in my wardrobe and a few awesome cards from those same creative little cats.  Happy birthday to ME!


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