Our kids are just amazing, thus life is amazing of late. I’m in thrall with the beauty of these people I’m surrounded with. Gigi had to go away the other night for a birthday party and, while I missed her, having Jude all alone is such a unique thing. His kindness shines when he is not competing for attention. He is a gentleman, a clever boy with a million ideas and stories in development, but mostly he is a tender little love-bug. We curled around one another, sang songs, watched tv, tickled, swam and rubbed noses all night and morning long, and when I had to go back to normal us, it was weird and I missed just boy and us.

Then, today, the same thing happened with her. He happened to be occupied with a Calvin and Hobbes treasury and little missy sneaked up into our room where a cat pile of mom, dad and Gigi occurred. We laughed and giggled and hug-o-warred for an hour or so while we pondered life. At one point, I realized that this moment was reminiscent of life before Jude. We had a special chemistry when it was just the three of us, just as we do when it’s just Jude, Bradley and me. It’s good to know I like my kids as much when they are apart as when they are together.

We’ve been spending a lot of time outside this summer. We call it training for Disneyland, but really it’s just training for an active, healthy life. I wonder how often my family gets tired of me talking about an ‘active, healthy life’! Ha ha! But it’s true. I feel like our kids are learning the building blocks of how to upkeep this amazing machine that is our body. While we are out, we are also learning to appreciate our world. Jude considers himself a nature lover and is often talking to critters he sees in the forest (“Hello, friend of the forest!” He kneels down and says to a native, PNW, banana slug.) Guinevere gets irate when she sees trees being leveled for new construction. They love hiking and ask to go almost daily. I’m proud of their capable bodies!




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