I can remember sitting in my grandparents basement trying to figure out this song with my friend Mike while in high school. We never really nailed it. But Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me was such an awesome album and this song in particular seemed so good to me at the time that The Smiths should have written it (if only Morrissey wrote lyrics where the protagonist actually gets a little something for his troubles). Anyhoo… I realized just a bit ago that I didn’t close the song with the title line but I am too lazy to redo this since it is supposed to be just sketching so consider it an aesthetic decision to leave the listener wanting a little something more.
As you can see I got out my vinyl copy of the album… best album art EVAH! and showed it to Jude, who seemed to agree with my EVAH! statement (although what does he know? I think this was his first vinyl encounter besides the flying records on Julius the Monkey’s ‘Kites are Fun’ video).
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- « Oh My Goodness I Remember the Fringe and Other Things!
- » Heavenly Morning
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- « Oh My Goodness I Remember the Fringe and Other Things!
- » Heavenly Morning