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  • Cupcake Caper

    Gigi and Tamara crafted these pink S’mores cupcakes this weekend. They are very good. So good,in fact, that apparently Martha mounted the dining table to politely help herself to a cupcake. At least that was the story shouted up to me from the stairwell by Jude with great urgency. “Umm Daddy!? Martha got on the […]

  • Jude & the baby angel

    While taking off their shoes on the porch, Jude asked Tamara about the little angel statue with broken wings that rests there. Tamara explained that we got it to represent our first baby, which we lost. Jude thought about it and asked, “so she is an angel?”. Then after a pregnant pause he added, “so […]

  • Adventure Is Out THERE!

      Jude all ready to explore the great outdoors in all of his outdoor explorer regalia!  Adventure is out there!!

  • Ee-ya

    We are a pacifier family.  We offered both of our kids pacifiers and they both took to it like fish to water.  But, like fish, they need water to live, and our kids needed their pacifiers otherwise sleeping and security were out of the question (Gigi called her pacifiers Suckers and Jude came up with […]

  • Another Writer

    After careful consideration, Bradley and I have decided to forgo traditional preschool for Jude in favor of some Little Gym memberships or dance classes.  In those classes he will still develop relationships with his peers and need to attend to a grown up who is not his parent so he will have that needed year […]

Emerson Jude

This is the archive for Emerson Jude.

Posts written by Emerson Jude


A long time ago…