A few mornings ago I was in that dozy tired place that a parent is in when they are tired, yet their two year old son insists on being awake at 5:30 and turns all the lights on in your bedroom. I was lying in bed, head on pillow with Jude lying next to me when he spied it.
“BUG!” He yelled.
I rolled over and murmured, “Oh, an ant.”
Jude was not to be deterred by my disinterest. He continued, “Bug! Mama! Bug! I yike bug!” He proceeded to get down on the floor to more closely inspect the bug. I noticed he was on hands and knees, quiet and happy. I relaxed deeper into my drowse. Who knows how much time passed, but the next thing I heard was Jude saying, “Bug all gone.”
“Aww, did he crawl under the bed?” I asked.
“Nope! In tummy!” Jude answered. This made me sit up. Did my vegetarian kid just eat a bug? Forget vegetarian, did my kid just eat a bug? Seriously?
“Jude, you didn’t eat the bug, right?”
“I eat him! In tummy! All gone! I yike!” I was horrified. Who’s kid eats bugs? Mine are not supposed to unless they are very very hungry. And in the Savannah. AND they haven’t eaten in a long time. Bugs are not supposed to be the go-to food for my son when he is waiting for breakfast.
“Jude, we don’t eat bugs. Bugs don’t like to be eaten, and besides that, some bugs might make you sick.”
Hopefully bugs won’t become a part of the daily diet, but with Jude, who knows?
***Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing, anyone? 🙂

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